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May 29, 2009


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Linda White

You all might find this interesting - sent to me privately in response to this post. Copy whole URL: http://www.whitepapersource.com/socialmediamarketing/report/

Linda White

Wellll... you can start out with this one! As a whole, I mean. The Community Marketing Blog - Andrew's focus is marketing, but that ranges quite a bit so gives him lots of latitude. It is actually several blogs - if you consider that a blog would do well to focus on a given topic. Check out the April 14 post under the Recession Tips section. Note how he linked to a Wall Street Journal story and a Neilsen report and offers solid steps and advice ("include your URL"). Also check out chrisbrogan.com, bookpage.com (for The Bookcase) and marketinginprogress.com.

Kari LeMay

Thanks for the overview and tips on blogs. Do you have some that you recommend checking out because they are really good???

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