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December 17, 2009


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americas best directory

oprah is well known throughout the world it seems like. thats awesome

Accounting Jobs

The best episode that I have seen in Oprah is the episode were Nicole Kidman was the guest.

SEO Los Angeles

Love The Oprah show because it has different topics making it a complete talk show for all to enjoy.


Hey Lucia,
great article!


It is not going to be long now before a whole gang of people are going to be hearing the name Derrick Ashong and asking, "Who is this Derrick Ashong and where did he come from?" Sort of like how Barack Obama went from relatively unknown nationally to . . . "WOW!" in the 2008 election. Oprah called it coincidences. I call it destiny. Quite simply, it is written.

Brandon Demery

Thanks for the post. Great work.


What an inspiring story! Both Derrick, and Lucia who wrote about him, are helping to create hope for the future through their compassionate activism.


Very enlightening.

Dick Price

Marvelous story. Keep it up. What a bright and talented young man, is your subject. -- Dick

Levy Lee Simon

Thank you! You continue to inform and impress with your work, bringing new information to the masses. Much appreciated article and like the the others, well written. Now I know about Derrick and his journey which is informative for my own life experience.

Levy Lee

joui turandot

It just goes to show you never know when you will have your 'moment' and the outside world will take notice. Malcolm Gladwell writes about this quandary in the article "Late Bloomers" (which I highly recommend). Because as a visionary you never know when your 'moment' may happen it can be hard to keep up the strength to continue. I am glad that Derrick has gotten recognition so he can keep up the good work.


Derrick is an amazing communicator and human being. Great article. Thanks for the inspiration.


I know there's a punchline here.

Yuki Okuma

Excellent and so informative. Yuki


You rock Lucia!!!


Excellent article!!


Great article, Lucia.


what a great story! and this is just the beginning (insert dramatic string music with tympanis here)!!!


Amazing article Lucia!

Kelly S.

Thanks Lucia for bringing Derrick into my consciousness!

Robin Gerber

WOW, what a terrific story of resilience and brilliance. Thanks!

Etse S.

Derrick Ashong is the poster child for today's transcendent youth.
He single-handedly debunked McLuhan's assertion that "American youth attributes much more importance to arriving at driver's license age than at voting age”. For this and all his other accomplishments, i salute him. Good article Lucia!


Derrick has such a zest for life and helping others! He really is a kindred spirit. Thanks for the article!

Rasco from RIF

Thanks, Lucia; I am delighted to learn more about Derrick about whom I have seen bits and pieces. An inpiration he is!


I've been a fan of Derrick's since I saw the YouTube video and heard him on the Gayle King Show on XM. He's definitely an impressive guy.

David Brunton

Derrick is really something. Nice piece.

Steve Kwon

This was great, thanks.


In spoken word and singing voice. Derrick has a genuine sound and expresses authenticity in yearning for multicultural understanding. Lucia, thanks for sharing his story.


I met Derrick back stage at a Lady Smith concert at Harvard in 2004. We talked over hors· d'oeuvres and he invited us hear his band the following day. Ever so rarely you meet a person and within moments you know that you are standing in the presence of an extraodinarily centered seeker, and an authentic citizen of the world.


Great article Lucia - love Derrick's story!

Jonathan Braverman

Fantastic article Lucia, Derrick is a special person, it's nice to see him being recognized! He is a poster of hope, determination, kindness and passion.


Thanks Lucia, for giving us the details of Derrick's journey. Makes him even more fascinating. His message is truly a guide for not only his generation, but for us all.

Mike Browne


Interesting to read how someone comes to fame. Now I am aware.


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