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December 18, 2009


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Gift Registry

Can't agree more that Tweeter is the best social media tool now a days.

Canon Digital Cameras

Being a Tweet has its benefits. Tweeter is really a big help to many people.

Jim Love

To take one's grief into a public space is a problem for me. How much different is this from
To broadcast one's sorrow for the "entertainment" of others is sad, maybe even sick. To share one's sorrow with their community is natural and healing.

I think if someone has lost a child, we owe them the benefit of the doubt.

I reserve my disgust for those think that the grief of a parent (or anyone) is "news". To stick a microphone and camera in the face of someone who has just lost a child or a loved one is cruel and more than simply voyeuristic - it's almost pornographic. Yet this is done daily without huge complaint.


Fantastic article, it does sound that the mother reaction to this is strange to say the least, however times have changed and so have we. Awesome notes in this article. Love it!

Sam Diener

Julie... Interesting post. I am kind of torn about how one would/should feel about "tweeting" in a time of crisis. But then again, honestly, any time I need to quickly get the message out about something, you certainly can rely on social media to do so. Quickly.

So thinking over it again, do I blame her... not at all.

In fact, anyone who criticized her for using another method to reach out to her friends should be ashamed of themselves...

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