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December 07, 2009


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Darlene Sabella

Excellent article, and you are so right about this. Years ago I was a liquor sales person and at that time, the only female. I had a husband and five kids at the time, and in order for them to buy from me the owners of the clubs would tell me, I would have to sit at the bar and spend my money like the other salesman. I had to go home after work, cook dinner, help the kids with home work, etc. You must "work it" if you want that big account. And, it will be a great stream of revenue. Thank you for sharing this.


Hi Catherine,

I love this article, fits in perfect for my career path.

The biggest mistake amateur sales executives do is not ask for the sale. You must always ask for the sale. You made a great point but putting that as NUMBER 1. Good job.

2. Yes always make sure you are talking to the decision maker, whats the point if your talking to the person who is not going to sign the check, also remember in today's day and age you can get credit cards from secretaries, that does happen quite often.

Be excited about your say, your enthusiasm will spread to those around you and also remember to be positive :)

Great article, I loved it. Keep up the great work.

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