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January 03, 2010


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mlm companies

Great information about marketing thanks for share it.

Custom Social Networking Software

Great post! The audio interviews were fantastic, it's always nice to "hear" how different a blogger sounds than the way you have "heard" their voice in your head.


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Andrew Ballenthin

Hi Catherine, that's a great point and I agree whole heartedly. I' have caveat that shifts the metrics and "response rate" - it's loyatly/engagement. The greater the loyalty to a social media leader, the more dramatic the response rate and engagement in the call to action. The price to get there is the cost of developing human relationships, valuable content, relevance, effective distribution channels and more. The pay-off rewards the organization depending on the goals they were seeking which often include brand loyalty, customer retention, referrals, publicity, SEO optimization, etc.

Catherine McQuaid

What does it take to be effective using Social Media?

This is the $million question and exercises like Andrew Ballenthin's Blog-Off are helping answer it.

What I observed is the usual ratios of attention to action that marketers are always trying to boost. If 1 in a hundred leave a comment and 10 out of a hundred respond to an invitation to take a look at something, reaching large audiences is still the name of the marketing game, no matter how dedicated fans might be.

Economics of Attention is one of the laws of the web.

Sue Leonard

This contest was a great experience, and the winners have a clear command of using e-marketing in the most effective manner. The contest was well run, and Andrew Ballenthin was so responsive to my questions as a participant.

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